The main goal of the CCAT was to solve the problem in classrooms of a lack of chairs. Our goal was to make a cheap and durable chair and desk combo, ready for classroom use.

To break down why we decided to build a chair and table even though one would think it is an easy build and too simple was how much it lacked. First, classrooms are lacking chairs and space for every students who signed up for a class, some would end up showing up to a classroom just to stand in one spot and learn. With this, it creates a distraction for professors, other students, and the students themselves. Could you imagine trying to teach, study, or learn while someone is struggling to keep their laptop or notebook up to write down their notes? It is a struggle, it is distracting, and it makes students and professor life hard. Secondly, the chair that are here at mason are professionally build but they are lacking aspects. Yes, there are some with tables that are attached to them such as the chairs in the Lecture Halls or the Exploratory Hall, however it is fairly distracting when someone is coming to class late or trying to seat in your row and they have to step over you and over your stuff. With this, other threats come into play such as, they accidentally step onto the person’s stuff and could break valuable technology or they could trip and fall easily over people’s bags and this could lead to injuries. Thirdly, with this chair, we are hoping to make the chair out of only sustainable and biodegradable materials such as wood, cork, and cardboard. Chairs that are being used now are mostly made out of plastic and metals, and these materials are more expensive and they are not biodegradable. With our wanted materials, these chairs can be reused, recycles, and reformed into other things once they are no longer of use. Lastly, we want to create a chair that would be easy to clean. Since chairs now have cushion stuck onto them, they are not cleaned efficiently and with plastic, they get dirty easily. With a chair made of wood and painted over with sealer, it can be wiped down fast. The cushion can be removed and put into the washer and dryer for easier clean.